Last week end we celebrated a very special occasion! On Nov 27th, Nevan turned 5 years old! As usual, Nevan had been counting down the days to his birthday since the day after Halloween! Very accurately remembering each day how many more 'sleeps' until his big day.
His actual birthday fell on a Tuesday and we woke him up extra early (6:00am before Daddy went to work) to give him his gift. I snuck in and told him that there was a very special birthday surprise waiting for him. I asked him if he wanted to go down and see it and he rolled back over under the covers and said "Not right now... maybe in the morning". Spoken like a kid that likes his sleep! I woke him up anyway and carried him downstairs. Set up on the main floor in their play room was a beautiful 36 gallon fishtank! Complete with bubble blowing dinosaur! He was still a bit tired and never really had a full reaction until later in the day, but he was definitely surprised and excited.
We decided to have 2 parties at the house because we just couldn't fit all of the people we wanted to invite into our house at one time. On Sat we had friends over and on Sunday, family. The friends party with the kids turned out to be much smaller than anticipated because unfortunately Nevan's birthday falls right in the middle of Cold and Flu season! So many of the other kids were sick and couldn't come. But as it turns out, 4 kids is pretty much all our house can handle! lol. They had a blast and our playroom was ransacked within minutes! It was so amazing to see Nevan have fun with his friends for a full 4 hours. His energy lasted and he was having a ball! It was the first time he was able to play with a group of friends since he was diagnosed this July. We want to send out a heartfelt thank you to Greg, Lisa, Pratiksha, Rahul, Tom and Amy for coming out and helping Craig and I feel like Normal parents for a day! And to Rowyn, Leila, Caden and Dilan... thank you for making Nevan and Nylah feel like normal kids!
Sunday was our family party. Nana #2 and family fell ill also and had to stay home. Auntie Priyanta came on behalf of all of them and in true to Auntie style, had awesome gifts in hand. This eased Nevan's feelings of missing his Nana #2 so badly. Also on hand to make this another great party was Baby Elliott, Aunti Yvonne and Uncle Dave (his favourite Fighting buddy), Auntie Medhini, Uncle Anoop, Grandma, Grandpa, Nana and Nanima. This party was a little calmer, but just as fun! Nevan and Nylah again had a blast and were completely tuckered by the end of the night! This is Nevan's favourite group of people and they did what they do best... made him feel like the king of the castle!
Nevan has been doing very well these past couple of months. He is on routine with his meds and his Chemo and is very brave now during his fingerpokes and leg needles. He doesn't cry at all during finger poke and helps the nurse collect his own blood now. The leg needles, although still very painful, are tolerated well thanks to the "Leg Needle Hat" the nurses create just for Nevan everytime he has his chemo. They are unbelievable! Sometimes there are 3 of them in the room and they are talking a mile a minute and acting silly. They don't give Nevan the opportunity to get worked up or upset until the needle is already in... and then it is over in a few seconds! (If I haven't mentioned before the nurses and drs at Mac are amazing!). We are still working on being brave for his chest pokes, but thats a hard one. I don't think I would be so calm with a needle coming at my chest either. Another amazing milestone is that Nevan is now taking all of his meds orally! Since dad's cooking caused him to throw up his nose tube a month ago Nevan made the very grown up decision to begin taking his meds... and he has. The problem is that he is not eating. While for most kids, the steroid phase is supposed to drastically increase appetite. For Nevan, his appetite goes right out the window. Very soon after the tube came out, we started noticing him losing weight. We tried our best to get him to eat as much as we could, but Chemo distroys the taste buds, making food that you once loved taste bland and uninteresting. We just couldn't find anything that Nevan enjoyed. Even the Mr Noodle packages were not cutting it anymore. We didn't want Nevan to have the tube for his birthday so we tolerated his eating habits and tried to introduce him to as many new things as we could, but he was shrinking fast. The first clinic day after his party we made the decision to put the tube back in. We will get his weight back up as high as we can with night feeds and pushes of calorie shakes into his stomach and then take it out again for Christmas. Although he had the tube out for a fraction of the time he had it in, Craig and I got used to seeing him without it and perhaps forgetting time to time that we had a critically ill child. Now with it back in, it is again a constant reminder to us and everyone else, just how fragile he really is. Another reason that this birthday was extra special for all of us. Thanks again to all of you who helped to make it as amazing as it was!
Cute Story of the Day:
Me: "Nevan, do you want a snack?"
Nevan: "Yes Please?"
Me: "What would you like?"
Nevan: " I don't know, what do we have?"
Me: "We have Regular Fish, Pretzel Fish, Cookies, Ice cream, Chips, Bananas, Grapes, Carrot Sticks, Crackers, Cheese, Yogurt...."
Nevan: "Ok"
Me: "So Tell me what you would like please"
Nevan: "For what?"
Me: "Dont you want a snack?"
Nevan: "Yes please.... what do we have?"
Perhaps I should have turned the TV off while trying to have this conversation! :)