Tuesday, May 20, 2014

An Long but Unintentional Hiatus!

Well, the last time we wrote was March of 2013!  At first life got busy, then it got routine and when we sat down to write again, we found that Google had locked us out of our account!  It took a lot of troubleshooting and finally a frustrating trip for Craig down to the Google Office in Waterloo to demand answers, to finally be able to write again!

Although I was unable to write, I read this blog over and over again throughout this past year.  Sometimes to remember where we were on order to gain strength for where we are now.  Sometimes just to have a laugh at all the cute memories that were intermingled among all the bad.  


Yesterday we went to Churchill Park for a photo shoot with Marc Douglas Photography.  Marc is a good friend of ours whose daughter is also battling the same fight that Nevan is.  He was nice enough to shoot some much overdue family photos and this is one of them.  I love this picture, but it makes me very emotional.  Our journey to fight Nevan's cancer continues today, but we are so blessed, lucky, fortunate, to still have our family of four intact.  I feel so immensely grateful for this but in the same thought feel heart broken for those families that have had to say goodbye to one of their members.  Since I have written last we have had to send condolences to too many families.  

Nevan and Nylah are strong and happy and doing very well these days and in the next few blog posts, I am going to back track to fill in as many events as I can, that have happened over the last year.  Good times and bad times as all families have.  We have made many new friends and have grown our extended family in such an amazing way.  We keep each other going and immerse ourselves in their stories when ours become a bit too much to handle.  At the same time, the family and friends that have been there from the beginning and still stand by us today keep our heads level and give us the much needed relief from a life changed forever. With the old normal we look back so fondly on and the new normal that is just on the horizon, I am so glad to be able to write and share again!  

Cute story of the day:
Nylah talks NON stop these days, to herself, to her dolls, to the animals... whoever is around. I work from home now and sometimes I just need some quiet. 

Me: "Nylah... you can sit with me on the couch, but I really need you to stop talking for a little while so mommy can concentrate ok?"

Nylah: "Yes mommy, I can help you concentrate, I can rub your back or your legs while you work and then you can work even better and faster and then after you are done you can play with me, because I have been waiting to play with you for a long time and all the 'by myself' things are done and..."

Me: "Nylah!  I really need you to stop talking, just for a few minutes.  We just had breakfast and I will play with you as soon as I am done writing some emails"

Nylah: " Got it mommy... You have to write emails because it is your job, but do you know what I can write?  I can write my name and Nevan's name and mommy and daddy and Nana and Nanima... not sure about Grandma and Grandma yet, but you can help me with that when you are done writing your email, because sometimes I need help with things...."

Me: "NYLAH! Please, please, please just sit quietly for a few minutes"

Nylah:  "OK! I am going to sit right here beside you and be super duper quiet so that you can finish your work and then it will be time to talk again as soon as you are done, I am very good at being quiet, I have to be quiet in daycare when my kids are sleeping or when Dawn talks, so I know how to be quiet..."

Me: " Oh man... ok Why don't you put your baby to sleep? She looks very tired!"

Nylah: "She can't sleep with all that typing!  You are being way too loud!"